Monks Commercial Coatings

This cartoon logo was created for a pet sitting company in Hawaii, and the client wanted a surfer girl riding a wave, as well as some pets joining her on the surfboard.
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve done a complete overhaul to my website as well as moving everything over to the domain. Designed by me, coded by my patient friend John “CJ” Wallace (@vagrantrevival).
A big tip of the hat to: my buddy Greg Newman at 20Seven (@gregnewman) for snazzing up my navigation links and general web Jedi advice, Matheau Dakoske (@matheaud) of Code Line Software for more coding help and general testing, and finally Heather Malarcik (@hkmalarcik) at Malarcik Marketing for proof-reading and spicing up the text content.
In a sense, this new website reflects a milestone for me. More on that later. For now, I want to share some of the background behind the process.