Batman sketch/drawing just for fun.
Read on for the sketch progression images.
Cartoon Woman with Big Mouth, originally uploaded by Coghill Cartooning.
Unused rough sketch for a client project, a telephone service iPhone app icon design.
Concept was a cartoon character woman with a telephone headset and a big mouth.
Alien Sphinx color sketch, originally uploaded by Coghill Cartooning.
Working color sketch for a personal series of bizarre creatures I work on from time to time.
Wanted to get some of these fleshed out. Scanned the original into Photoshop and cleaned up and did the coloring in Photoshop CS4 using a Wacom Untus4 medium graphics tablet.
this will need some further refinements to the overall drawing – not happy with the uraeus snake on the top (looks like a question mark!) and the tail needs some reworking.
Just wanted to share the progress at this stage.
Stubborn gorilla sketch, originally uploaded by Coghill Cartooning.
Rough sketch for a client project. Cartoon gorilla character design.
If you head over to the new Ustream page I set up, you can now access my live video drawing, sketching & vector sessions right from the blog! When there’s no live broadcast you’ll get access to the archive of recorded videos. Even cooler, the chat is also embedded.
Stay tuned as I plan to ramp up the live screencasts in the coming weeks.
Just quick post to show the “blue goon” drawing I did for tonight’s artcast.
Unfortunately I forgot to hit “Record” for the show, so it was a live event only. Next time!
The “blue goon” character was created in Adobe Photoshop CS4 with a Wacom Intuos4 graphics tablet and some store-brand Sudafed to ease my cold & sinus symptoms.
Quick video recording from my live Ustream channel. This time, some vector art in porgress. Added the color and initial shading to a cartoon dog character design.
Be sure to subscribe to my cartooning & illustration sketching, drawing & vector art live video channel on Ustream.
Short sketch video of me working on a drawing of a cartoon dog character in Adobe Photoshop CS4 using the Wacom Intuos4 graphics tablet. Be sure to subscribe to my cartooning & illustration sketching, drawing & vector art live video channel on Ustream.
What an awesome project to work on—creating cartoon Frankenstein artwork for a custom hot rod 1971 Barracuda. This project started life when Murray Pfaff of Pfaff Designs contacted me to create the artwork as part of a custom hot rod design he was working on for a client.