I just launched the Kickstarter campaign for the Yeti Squad embroidered patch, the second in the “Bigfoot Patrol” series. Check out the Yeti Squad Kickstarter campaign page for full details and to back this artist-created merchandise project! Limited-edition prints and original art reward levels available!
The Bigfoot Patrol Membership Kit fundraiser campaign starts on Kickstarter on Friday, August 8, 2014 and runs for 30 days until Sunday, September 7, 2014.
The Bigfoot Patrol Membership Kit is an art project created, developed, illustrated and designed by artist and cartoonist George Coghill (that’s me!) and it will be my first large-scale merchandising push for my cartoon art.
The full Bigfoot Patrol Membership Kit includes:
One membership card (of course!) printed by Moo Cards
“Basket Case” is a new t-shirt illustration design I created featuring a wild-eyed disc golfer cartoon character in the Kustom Kulture/Odd Rods/Ed “Big Daddy” Roth style — complete with veined eyes bulging out of the head, a wild and crazy grin with an exaggerated, wagging tongue dragging out of the mouth.
Available for purchase — and customization — over at Zazzle. Click here to get yours now!
Vector artists and Adobe Illustrator users – rejoice! You no longer have to toil away in obscurity. Let the world know where your heart lies.
This t-shirt will get a knowing wink from those in-the-know. If you look closely, you’ll notice the heart is in fact created as a vector object, complete with points and handles. Or perhaps these are “love” handles?
People may go on and on about the (former) Macromedia Freehand, or their own open-source or alternative vector application, but you know what vector software you love the most.
I know, I know. Not everyone is ga-ga over Illustrator. Well, no need to fret — the “I Heart Vectors” t-shirt design is available as well. Regardless of your allegiances, I think we can all agree it’s “Points, Not Pixels”.
Are you a vector artist? Have a poster of Pierre Bezier on your studio wall? Do the terms path, handles and direct select get you excited?
Well, here’s the t-shirt for you. If you look closely, you’ll notice the heart is in fact created as a vector object, complete with points and handles. Or perhaps these are “love” handles?
Whether it’s Adobe Illustrator, the former Macromedia Freehand, or your own open-source or alternative vector application, let ’em know where they can put their pixels.
I finally got around to getting one of my favorite personal cartoon pin-up illustrations — the ‘Girl In The Moon‘ — available for purchase over at my Zazzle store.
I have been meaning to get more artwork up there available for purchase, but recently client work has been pretty much taking up all my hours in the day.
Already available are some devil girl pinup illustration t-shirts, stickers, keychains and other items.
Also available at the store are stickers and keychains with your favorite devil girl, as well as more t-shirts and other merchandise featuring my cartoon art.
I just posted this SCUBA dive flag t-shirt design up on Zazzle. I was going through some of my archives and had forgotten about this one. I came up with this after taking a camping trip to the Florida Keys (the Bahia Honda Key in particular) a few years ago.
The campsites are right on the beach (with electricity even!), and it’s one of the few areas in the world where snorkeling can be done right from the shore. The entire group brought snorkeling gear “just in case”, but we all found ourselves instant snorkeling enthusiasts from day one. From the outside, it seems kinda boring. When you are actually doing it, it’s inexplicably awesome. Since the creative gears are always crankin’, I ended up working up some sketches for t-shirt ideas and when this one popped up, I knew I had a winner. And then I promptly filed it away and lost track of it for three years!