The Pickled Pig – drunk, green cartoon pig on a t-shirt

Pickled Pig cartoon character t-shirt

Hot on the heels of the Cartoon Nerd & Geek t-shirts comes the Pickled Pig cartoon character t-shirt!

Why The Pickled Pig you ask? Well, eons ago I created a t-shirt for a mail-order company based off the phrase “The Pickled Pig”, and it was intended to be a faux “pub shirt”. Not only have I received many emails regarding that illustration since posting on my website, but I was also informed that the company was no longer producing them, and no intentions of doing so in the future.

Well, that just isn’t right, and I set about to fix things. Not wanting to cause any headaches with the original company, and knowing I could create an even better version of the Pickled Pig, I set about months ago to sketching up a new one. And the sketch sat on my computer, anxiously awaiting the touch of the Wacom tablet to it’s roughly sketched being. Until today.

Immediately available for purchase as a t-shirt from, I present to you the new and improved Pickled Pig cartoon t-shirt!

And awesomly enough, before I have even had a chance to finish thi spost I see on the product page I have been awarded best design of today! Not really sure how that award thing works, but it’s cool!

Update: I lost my Zazzle award after deleting the original shirt due to uploading a version without my copyright & website tagline on the shirt. After my Nerf fiasco in my younger days, I have come to realize the importance of protecting your work.

Art: taste & preference. What is good art?

Interesting essay on subjective vs. objective taste in appreciating art by Paul Graham (via Reddit). I found it interesting that I share many views on art with a computer programmer…

The paragraph that got my attention:

Man-made stuff is different. For one thing, artists, unlike apple trees, often deliberately try to trick us. Some tricks are quite subtle. For example, any work of art sets expectations by its level of finish. You don’t expect photographic accuracy in something that looks like a quick sketch. So one widely used trick, especially among illustrators, is to intentionally make a painting or drawing look like it was done faster than it was. The average person looks at it and thinks: how amazingly skillful. It’s like saying something clever in a conversation as if you’d thought of it on the spur of the moment, when in fact you’d worked it out the day before.

Good stuff.

New cartoon illustration work posted

I suppose I should also mention here that I have recently updated my site with some recent cartooning projects. Page Two of my illustration section can be found here.

A few new Hot Rod/Odd Rod style monsters, including the super cool scooter hot rod creature, a cute puppy dog, a sexy couple, a nerd super hero, a Donald Trump-esque fat cat rich guy and mor- actually that’s all for now.

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