Cartooning and illustration art posts featuring the digital vector art cartoons of vector artist, cartoonist & illustrator George Coghill.
“El Grande” Gorilla
Monkey Builder
Pottsville Pelicans
Tow Daddy
Tow Daddy tow truck driver/mechanic cartoon character was created as a mascot character for an insurance company’s vehicle towing service.
Nut Case
Cartoon squirrel character with acorn iPhone case. Logo design for Nutcase, an iPhone case retailer in the UK.
Sad sack gambler cartoon character and logo.
Cuyahoga Avengers – River Sweep 2012
Cartoon frog as The Hulk. T-shirt illustration for the 2012 River Sweep event.
My First Doggie
Cartoon background illustrations and dog cartoon characters for My First Doggie, an interactive animated game to help teach kids to care for their first dog.
Created in Adobe Illustrator CS5.