Cartoon character portrait illustration.
Cartooning and illustration art posts featuring the digital vector art cartoons of vector artist, cartoonist & illustrator George Coghill.
Surfer Girl Cartoon Logo
Cartoon surfer girl character created for a pet sitting business in Hawaii.
“Batfrog” llustration for the 2010 River Sweep t-shirt.
“Party Girl” Sketch
Monkey cartoon character sketch
This cartoon octopus character was created for a client developing a new baby product to help with diaper rash.
Believe it or not, I had not drawn a cartoon octopus until this project, so I was looking forward to it. I will say that I underestimated the amount of work all those tentacles and suckers were.
News Hound
This cartoon dog news reporter — “News Hound” — was created for an upcoming iPhone news app. The client was pretty specific in what they were looking for: a 1940’s era news reporter, but of course a dog instead of a human.
St. Practice
This cartoon monk character holding a beer mug was created as a mascot for a St. Patrick’s Day promotion by national chain of Irish-themed sports pubs, Tilted Kilt.
I was approached by the marketing director who found and liked my cartoon illustration of a monk leaning on a beer keg, and wanted something in the same style, but of course their own original character.