Vampire Feast iPhone Game

Active Bomb Sweeper is an iPhone puzzle game app developed and coded by Zeologic, for which I created the character design, illustrations and overall game design.
Read on for more about the illustration and design process, as well as some technical notes on using Adobe Illustrator CS5’s Pixel Grid and the limitations of using PNG export versus Save For Web when outputting iOS graphics for the Retina Display.
I’ll be doing a live drawing “ArtCast” video session this Wednesday February 10th, 2010 at 9 PM EST as part of the ArtCast Network’s weekly featured artcast series.
Stop by and see/hear me draw live via your web browser. There’s also an integrated chat box so I can read your comments and interact. It’s usually a lot of fun, and if you’ve been to one of my live sessions before you know there will be lots of great software tips for drawing digitally.
This series of illustrations was created as background images for a typing tutor video game “Typing Instructor for Kids” by Individual Software. The game had already been created, however the developers wanted to create a bonus level and needed new illustrations to be included in the game.
All my gadget RSS feeds are a-buzz with the news that the PEZ MP3 player is finally available, and the logo was designed by me. I’m partially, non-credited famous! Yow!
The guy who created this officially licensed PEZ MP3 player — which is actually a real PEZ dispenser that has an MP3 player inside — is a stay at home dad, and a nice guy as well. He started the project up as a hobby, and from internet buzz he started thinking, “What if…” and today it’s a reality.