‘Hairy Canary’ T-Shirt Illustration

 I just finished up a t-shirt illustration – ‘The Hairy Canary‘ – for mail-order/catalog company What On Earth for their pub t-shirts line.

The basic premise of the t-shirt designs are as follows: the artist is given a choice of bar/pub names to choose from, and from there a design is worked up to go with the name. I believe all the bars & pubs are actual places, but these aren’t officially sanctioned or anything.

From the list I was given, the name ‘Hairy Canary’ just jumped out at me and I knew it was a theme that would spark a cool illustration.

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‘Girl In The Moon’ Pin-Up Cartoon Illustration T-Shirt Available

Cartoon pin-up girl in the moon t-shirt illustration designI finally got around to getting one of my favorite personal cartoon pin-up illustrations — the ‘Girl In The Moon‘ — available  for purchase over at my Zazzle store.

I have been meaning to get more artwork up there available for purchase, but recently client work has been pretty much taking up all my hours in the day.

Already available are some devil girl pinup illustration t-shirts, stickers, keychains and other items.

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Cute Cartoon Devil Girl Pinup T-Shirts Available

Cute devil girl pinup cartoon illustration t-shirtI recently updated my store over at Zazzle to include three cartoon pinup devil girl t-shirt designs. Included in this round are the devil girl with 8-ball bikini, the devil girl with giant 8-ball and hot rod flames, and the devil girl with the risqué hiked skirt.

Also available at the store are stickers and keychains with your favorite devil girl, as well as more t-shirts and other merchandise featuring my cartoon art.

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SCUBA & Snorkeling Fins Dive Flag T-Shirt

SCUBA/snorkeling fin dive flag t-shirt designI just posted this SCUBA dive flag t-shirt design up on Zazzle. I was going through some of my archives and had forgotten about this one. I came up with this after taking a camping trip to the Florida Keys (the Bahia Honda Key in particular) a few years ago.

The campsites are right on the beach (with electricity even!), and it’s one of the few areas in the world where snorkeling can be done right from the shore. The entire group brought snorkeling gear “just in case”, but we all found ourselves instant snorkeling enthusiasts from day one. From the outside, it seems kinda boring. When you are actually doing it, it’s inexplicably awesome. Since the creative gears are always crankin’, I ended up working up some sketches for t-shirt ideas and when this one popped up, I knew I had a winner. And then I promptly filed it away and lost track of it for three years!

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Odd Rods style scooter hot rod cartoon art at The Scooter Scoop

Odd Rods inspired scooter hot rod cartoon art
Hot-rod scooter cartoon mascot character.

Steve over at The Scooter Scoop commissioned me a few months back to create an original Odd Rods inspired cartoon illustration for his blog. He’s posted a kudo-laden entry about the Odd Rods style scooter monster hot rod cartoon art I did for him, and I appreciate it very much. Just wanted to return the favor and give Steve and The Scooter Scoop a little press.The “Mod Rod” cartoon art is available at Café Press as well.

Thanks Steve!

Cartoon Devil Girl Pin-Up Art PSP Tubes now available for licensing at MyPSPTubes.com

Starting today, my PSP Tubes licesning agreement with MyPSPTubes.com for pin-up art is now live with the availability to all you PSP tubers and MySpace graphics artistes of four initial sexy & cute devil girl pin-up illustrations.

The initial PSP tube cartoon illustrations feature an updated version of the cute cartoon pinup devil girl on my cartoon illustration portfolio site, as well as 3 additional devil girl pinup illustrations that have been in my personal stash.

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The Pickled Pig – drunk, green cartoon pig on a t-shirt

Pickled Pig cartoon character t-shirt

Hot on the heels of the Cartoon Nerd & Geek t-shirts comes the Pickled Pig cartoon character t-shirt!

Why The Pickled Pig you ask? Well, eons ago I created a t-shirt for a mail-order company based off the phrase “The Pickled Pig”, and it was intended to be a faux “pub shirt”. Not only have I received many emails regarding that illustration since posting on my website, but I was also informed that the company was no longer producing them, and no intentions of doing so in the future.

Well, that just isn’t right, and I set about to fix things. Not wanting to cause any headaches with the original company, and knowing I could create an even better version of the Pickled Pig, I set about months ago to sketching up a new one. And the sketch sat on my computer, anxiously awaiting the touch of the Wacom tablet to it’s roughly sketched being. Until today.

Immediately available for purchase as a t-shirt from Zazzle.com, I present to you the new and improved Pickled Pig cartoon t-shirt!

And awesomly enough, before I have even had a chance to finish thi spost I see on the product page I have been awarded best design of today! Not really sure how that award thing works, but it’s cool!

Update: I lost my Zazzle award after deleting the original shirt due to uploading a version without my copyright & website tagline on the shirt. After my Nerf fiasco in my younger days, I have come to realize the importance of protecting your work.