Alien Sphinx

Working color sketch for a personal series of bizarre creatures I work on from time to time.

Wanted to get some of these fleshed out. Scanned the original into Photoshop and cleaned up and did the coloring in Photoshop CS4 using a Wacom Untus4 medium graphics tablet.

this will need some further refinements to the overall drawing – not happy with the uraeus snake on the top (looks like a question mark!) and the tail needs some reworking.

Just wanted to share the progress at this stage.

Blue Goon

Just  quick post to show the “blue goon” drawing I did for tonight’s artcast.

Unfortunately I forgot to hit “Record” for the show, so it was a live event only. Next time!

The “blue goon” character was created in Adobe Photoshop CS4 with a Wacom Intuos4 graphics tablet and some store-brand Sudafed to ease my cold & sinus symptoms.

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Live ArtCast this Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010

I’ll be doing a live drawing “ArtCast” video session this Wednesday February 10th, 2010 at 9 PM EST as part of the ArtCast Network’s weekly featured artcast series.

Stop by and see/hear me draw live via your web browser. There’s also an integrated chat box so I can read your comments and interact. It’s usually a lot of fun, and if you’ve been to one of my live sessions before you know there will be lots of great software tips for drawing digitally.

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