Quit Photoshop to save your custom Actions



You just fine tuned a custom action in Photoshop to, say, convert an image to CMYK, resize without resampling to 300 dpi and save as a .psd file, to like, save a bunch of time.

Then, to your dismay, Photoshop crashes because of the 7,492 Dashboard Widgets and shareware doodads you have running simultaneously (even though you know better).

And your custom Action is GONE.
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Illustrator Chris Bishop & the continual struggle to eliminate self-doubt

I was recently turned on to this illustrator Chris Bishop‘s work by my friend Todd. Fun, chunky & bright colors.

This guy’s work was a nice helping hand for Todd as far as chiseling away the erroneous notion that your work “needs” to be “better” than what comes naturally and what you enjoy doing. We had a long discussion over some food the other night about this phenomenon that he & I both share. For years I struggled with the idea that the artwork I produced needed to be more than the fun cartoon stuff I love to create, something serious, something ‘heavy’.

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