This cartoon sketch of a cute indie rock/alternative rocker girl is one of a series of cartoon characters I am working on for a current project. She went through quite a bit of revisions in look, dress and age – but the final came out perfect.
Earlier version had her a little too old and road-weary – I thought we were going for a more ‘edgy’ character but the client wanted a younger, cuter version. The iPod, chain wallet and Chuck Taylor sneakers were a must.
Sketch of a cartoon man’s head with an evil grin. this was sketched out on a newspaper using a ball-point pen. Drew this the other night while having some beers with friends down at Ray’s Place in Kent, Ohio.
If a large, blank(ish) piece of paper and a pen is around, I can’t help but draw.
Months ago a fan emailed me to get the OK to use one of my sketches as a tattoo. I usually give the go-ahead on any not-for-profit use of my personal art (that said, unless I actually do give the OK, it’s not officially OK). In this case since it was a personal sketch I had done I was cool with it.
I have a few tattoos myself (all done by the venerable Eric Starr over at Arkham Tattoo in Akron, Ohio). I can sympathize with someone who finds the right art for a tattoo – I had Eric ink over a bunch of early stuff that I became less than enthralled with – and now have a huge Japanes-style koi fish shoulder piece in addition to my original Mayan God/Ancient Astronaut glyph.
Recently sketched up some cartoon Frankenstein drawings for a current project.
Client wanted more forehead on these but I thought they came out pretty cool for what they were. I have to agree they don’t have the classic Frankenstein look to them, but I was kinda going for something different anyways. Continue reading →
This Goth Girl cartoon character sketch is one of a series of characters I am currently developing as a series for a client. The entire set will include all sorts of cartoon characters with different personalities, lifestyles & looks. More details on this project as we get closer to completion…
The goal here was to find the look and keep her cute. The original incarnations of the little goth came out a bit too old and also a bit too punk/heavy metal, but since the Goth will have an “older sister” Rocker Chick for the group, I’ll be able to use those initial rough sketches for the Rocker Girl. The Rocker Girl will probably be more along the line of a Suicide Girl — with clothes on!
Once I had the face & head down, I moved on to getting the clothing right; the obligatory striped stockings, skull t-shirt, spiked wristbands, black rubber bracelets and combat boots completed the look. I especially like how the long pigtails came out for the hair.
An interesting aspect of this project, developing 12 characters in a family, is keeping consistency. I have found that some characters have lent themselves to more wild exaggeration than others, and I have had to tone down the look of some of the characters which I would have otherwise gone a bit more wild with. In order to keep the overall look of the group I have had to sacrifice some stylistic choices.
It’s a great experience and process as I have been coming up with variations of characters that I might not have other otherwise pursued.
This puppy dog cartoon character illustration was created a mascot/logo for a recent client. His nickname is “News Hound”, hence the word “Press” on his dog collar name tag.
The pup went through quite a few rounds of sketches, even before sending “initial” sketches to the client. I had a certain look in mind and wanted to get this guy just right. The proportions were key, as was allowing for the nametag on the dog collar.
This drawing of a surfer dude cartoon character was sketched for a current project. He came out pretty cool and I thought I would share as the final will most likely be tweaked in response to client input. The other characters in the series are leaning towards a different body/head ratio as well, so he’ll have to be adjusted. Sometimes what works for one character doesn’t work well across multiple characters.
Also available at the store are stickers and keychains with your favorite devil girl, as well as more t-shirts and other merchandise featuring my cartoon art.
I recently updated my cartoon illustration portfolio site with some recent illustration work. The sexy cartoon businesswoman mom was one of my more favorite recent projects. The client needed a hip & hot mom for a project involving helping moms use the internet to make some extra cash.