A quick post regarding an issue brought up by a comment to my original post about the Pantone Huey and dual (or multiple) monitors…
A suggestion by a commenter (as well as Pantone tech support) regarding the calibration of a second monitor using the Pantone Huey was to disconnect & reconnect your monitors, run the config, reconnect to original setup.
I discovered a simpler method:
Just make the secondary monitor the main monitor, temporarily, in the OS X Displays preference pane, run Huey, then set the main monitor back to the main monitor. It worked!
To make the secondary monitor the main monitor, in the Arrangement tab of the Displays preference pane, drag the menubar to the secondary monitor. After running the Huey setup, drag the menubar back to the main monitor. Bingo.
Great tip!
To only “thing” is that the Huey doesn’t compensate for the changing light conditions on both monitors.
Pantone now offers the Huey Pro which supports dual monitors, and a software upgrade is available for existing Huey owners: http://www.pantone.com/Pages/products/product.aspx?pid=569&ca=2